Today’s work world needs to be ready for any change in the road. The paths of meeting personal and professional needs are often bumpy and filled with obstacles. What we need to remember is we are all on this trip together and we must make sure to buckle up and be ready!
Deadra will make you laugh until you cry. Her message of humor and inspiration has been enjoyed by thousands of people across the United States. As she shares her stories of “life lessons”, she will inspire you to enjoy life and laugh at life’s situations.
When not in the classroom, Deadra is a frequent presenter and motivational speaker for numerous audiences across the nation. Her humorous style and up-beat presentations make her a versatile and sought after speaker.
Friday Pre-Event Times are 3:45 pm and Repeat at 4:45 pm
WellFit: Being an Active Partner in Your Own Health - Melissa Iehl, MS, ATC, ACSM-CPT, BVRMC Fitness and Health Center - Regular exercise is an important part of a healthy life. Learn ways to add exercise at home with items you already have and make exercise fun. Become an active participant in your own health with easy tips on how to get started.
Modville Travel Tours - Amy Keiderling, Owner, Modville Tours - Everything you have always wanted to know about the adventure of group travel will be explored in this session. Come see the fun and adventure that awaits in travel!
Saturday Sessions - 8:30 to 9:30 am
Ag Refinancing: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly - Todd Schultz, Sr. VP, Chief Ag Loan Officer and Kiley ToddEcecutive VP, Chief Loan Officer, United Bank of Iowa - Learn about the many options to consider when planning to refinance; when it is a good idea, when it is not, and how to know the difference.
DoTerra Essential Oils - Tracee Dierenfield, Wellness Advocate - This session will explore natural solutions of healthy and empowered living.
New Plants for 2020 - Todd Brockshus,Owner, Del’s Garden Center - See what is new for annual flowers, perennials, woody plants and more. You will want to try some of these new plants in your landscape or flower pots.
Technology Tips and Tricks: Making the Most of the Tools Around You - Ryan Harder, Web Manager, Buena Vista University - Make the most of the technology in your home and in your pocket. Participants will get a better understanding of the wide range of technology tools around them and ways to use them.
My Spouses Best Partner - Janelle Guericke, Ag Business Instructor, Mitchell Technical Institute - Making financial decisions for your farm can be very stressful. Instead of putting the pressure on one spouses’ shoulders, learn to be an active partner. This session is geared towards teaching you the basics of marketing. How to read quotes, understand basis and talk the talk with other ag participants.
9:45 to 10:45 am
Yes Even YOU Can Be a Victim of Fraud - Dana Meyer, AVP Bookkeeping, United Bank of Iowa, Earleen Uhl, SVP Operations, United Bank of Iowa - Many individuals do not realize the fraud and scams that exist right here in rural Iowa. This session will explore real life stories and examples of fraud and how to identify fraud. Safety tips and what you can do to protect yourself from fraud will also be provided.
Decorating for All Season’s with Containers - Todd Brockshus, Owner, Del’s Garden Center - If you love to fill your flower pots in the spring this session is for you. See how to decorate for summer, fall and winter with containers. Pick up a few landscape design ideas along the way.
45 Home Improvement Ideas in 60 Minutes - Grant Leavitt, Vice-President, Marcus Lumber - This session will be full of practical tips and tricks along with new products for all your home improvement projects.
What Are You Scared Of? - Janelle Guericke, Ag Business Instructor, Mitchell Technical Institute - What scares you more? Leaving the grain in the bin and having prices fall? Or selling your grain and having prices go higher? Come learn how put and call options can help ease the fear and anxiety of marketing your grain; whether the price goes up or down. Learning to manage risk helps control the emotion and fear of marketing grain.
Change: Staying Up Through the Upside Down - Gretchen Miller, Learning and Development Consultant, PeopleWorks, Inc. - No matter how well we map our course, every journey brings with it a few surprises, unexpected detours, and crossroads with no clear signposts. Each situation you encounter brings new opportunities for learning, growth, and success. What can you do to flourish in whatever change tosses you? This program will explore how to rebound from the demands of change, develop change resilience, and how to stay up when things are feeling really upside down.
11:00 am to 12:00 pm
The Meatball Renaissance - Anita Hinkeldey, Picnic Life Foodie, Blogger/Writer - A lot of people hear the word “meatball” and instantly feel the yawning. My first thought is “What kind of meatball?” Hamburgers have become the latest craze for creativity. What is a meatball but a ground up burger, bun and all? In this session, we will cover the basic principles of making meatballs, tips and tricks for upping your meatball game, creative ideas and recipes and, of course, samples of my favorite “deconstructed sandwiches”.
Tips and Tricks to Refresh Your Home - Hilary Prall, Owner, Consultant H. Prall and Co. - Bored with your home? Learn simple and budget friendly ways to give your home a refresh to create the space you love. Get the nitty gritty answers for the questions everyone has while decorating their home.
What’s New in Farm Family Living Costs? Benchmarking - Carol Ehlers, Human Sciences Specialist, Family Finance, ISU Women in Ag - Do you think you are really not spending that much to manage your household; but just don’t have a way to prove it? Do you wonder if there’s a way to recognize how well you have been doing to keep family living costs in check? Benchmarking can help you address these kinds of questions. Learn how to compare farm family expenses with data, establish a reality check on how much living expenses a family can expect the farm to pay and explore how benchmarking helps make better decisions.
Bad Apples: Dealing with Negativity and Staying Positive Yourself - Gretchen Miller, Learning and Development Consultant, PeopleWorks, Inc - Are you working with, serving, or even living with someone who has a bad attitude? Just being around someone who complains, whines, or just doesn’t do or say anything can cause people to feel frustrated, angry, or even helpless. This session is designed to help you find solutions for dealing with negative attitudes and keep yourself positive.
Family Farm Succession Planning - Myron Friesen, Owner, Farm Financial Strategies - This session will focus on estate and succession strategies to ensure your wishes are carried out for the farm you have built. Explore family discussion and other delicate issues related to succession planning.
1:15 to 2:15 pm
Women Empowered and Self Defense - Justin and Deann Faiferlick, Owners, Faiferlick Martial Arts - This hand on session will focus on ways women can empower themselves and will provide practical self-defense tips and techniques that women can use to protect themselves.
Agricultural Women Work Here - Farm Credit Services of America - Being involved in Agriculture can be challenging but also provide many opportunities. Come learn from and interact with our panel of women at various levels of involvement in the farming industry. Bonus: Get your Farm Credit Services of America lip balm when you attend!
My Banker Loves Me - Janelle Guericke, Ag Business Instructor, Mitchell Technical Institute - Reap the benefits of improving your record keeping as well as making better business decisions. Attendees will learn how to use EasyFarm Software- and yes it is EASY! Your banker (and tax consultant) will love you, your records and your financial reports that allow you to make better business decisions.
Preserving Memories with Precious Items - Leann Baumhover, Professional Seamstress and Quilter - Ever wonder what to do with a loved one's clothing after they pass? OR maybe wondering what to do with that old wedding dress, Dad's favorite neckties, or your RAGBRAI t-shirts? Leann will share wonderful ideas and show examples of ways you can preserve all those memories from special clothing.
Meal to Fields - Jordan Radke, Leadership Giving Officer, BVU - Harvest means long hours with hungry, hard working farmers in the fields. This session will share tips and tricks, menu items and meal prepping to keep everyone fed during the busy season.